Lizzie och Diane
Här är lite information om Lizzie och Diane. Det är vår vän Colin från England som delar med sig.
Tyvärr har jag missat att sätta in detta i fredagens inlägg...
Jag vet inte varför hela inlägget blivit konstigt färgmässigt och vet inte hur jag ska fixa det =(
Losing Lizzie Lakely – the sad story of Kitty McGeever
Apart from one short scene airing in a couple of weeks’ time, I’m sad to say today was the last time you will see Lizzie. Around two weeks before these episodes were shown, Kitty McGeever was rushed to hospital in urgent need of a transplant – apparently for her heart. Aside from the initial announcement that was made about it nearly 16 months ago ahead of her appearances shown this week (for which reason I originally left Marie a message for the blog a week ago), nothing more about Kitty’s situation has been heard. I can at least provide some background information about her previous health troubles.
Kitty has been diabetic since the age of 19. During her pregnancy in 2001 she developed pre-eclampsia (graviditetstoxikos). Her son was born premature and developed major health problems at four months. The stress caused Kitty’s kidney’s (njure) to fail and she began to lose her sight due to diabetic retinopathy, and went blind in just five months. Her son sadly only lived to 15 months. Kitty then had to wait until 2006 to have the kidney and pancreas transplant she needed.
You can read more about Kitty’s sad story here: (the relevant section is after the photo of the three people making heart shapes (I don’t think the earlier sections are even accurate.)).
Kitty’s sister is actually regular Emmerdale writer Caroline Mitchell, who co-wrote a one-woman stage show for Kitty in 2008. Some of the cast and crew came to watch the performance, and the producers were so impressed with her frank and positive approach to life that it led to her being offered the part of Lizzie. Kitty worked with the Emmerdale team in creating the character, with neither side wanting Lizzie to be a stereotypical disabled character. Another article detailing her sad story was published at the time of the 2008 show and can be read here:
* * * * * *
As for Diane, I’m afraid I have no specific information about why Elizabeth Estensen was taking a lengthy break. She had a break in 2012 too of course, though this time it was nearly twice as long. Diane last appeared on December 5th. All I can really say is that she WILL be back – but not for some while, and neither can I promise that she’ll be back for good…
On a more upbeat note, Jai is also taking an extended break due to actor unavailability, as Chris Bisson had become a proud father and was taking paternity leave. If you love babies, you can see three beautiful pictures of father and son (when aged 15 weeks) here:, though you may want to avoid actually reading the article!
Postat av: Frk Höger
Trist det här med Lizzie, även om hon inte är min favorit :(
Postat av: Astrantia
Ja, det var verkligen tråkigt att läsa. Jag gillar Lizzie, hon är/var ju faktiskt ganska "normal". Jag tycker det behövs sådana karaktärer också i en serie, tycker det är lite väl mycket galenskaper just nu.
Postat av: Linn
Colin: Thanks for this info, even if its sad.