Information om Bernice, DVD-boxar och annat...
Här är information från Colin i England. Han hade skickat en del av detta redan igår men jag hann tyvärr inte få med det så ni får det idag + lite till =)
Som vanligt får ni kolla försiktigt på länkarna, i alla fall om ni kollar dem från youtube men kollar ni via dropbox så är det spoilerfritt.
Here is some more information about Bernice’s previous departures from the village (sorry not to post it earlier in the week, I’ve been short on time this week – though the first three paragraphs were sent to Marie before yesterday’s post).
Following the breakdown of their marriage (for reasons others have already talked about) Ashley decided he couldn't face Bernice anymore and decided that HE would leave the village. Everyone was really disappointed and Bernice felt guilty. Rodney had told her about a job on a cruise ship and she went to see Ashley - who had already begun packing - to tell him that she would be leaving instead. Ashley was angry that Bernice was taking Gabby from him and that she was only thinking about her own life, as usual. They talked at some length (the episode before Bernice left only featured Ashley, Bernice, Diane and Rodney) and Bernice decided it was best that Gabby should stay with her father - realising he was the better parent. She left the village the next day (April 21 2002) leaving Diane very upset.
Having returned for Tricia's funeral and the reopening of the Woolpack in January 2004, Bernice began to bond with Gabby and made a decision to take her with her back to Brighton. After talking to Ashley about moving in with Charlie, she asked how he felt about her taking Gabby to Brighton. He said he was fine about it - he wouldn't stop Gabby visiting her just because she had a new man. She didn't have the heart to tell him what she really meant, explaining to Rodney that Ashley and Gabby looked so happy together and that she couldn't destroy that. As Bernice left, Ashley said to Rodney that she was an amazing woman. Rodney agreed that she was - more than he'd ever know. You can view her final scenes here:
Now for the final episode of “Emmerdale at 40”, which looks back at 40 years of the Woolpack. This episode has a slightly different format to the others, with three main features (including Tricia’s death and one each from 2010 and 2011) and three smaller more genera features. Although I’ve ended up sending links to each of the first four episodes a week later than the episodes they were shown after, this episode I’m actually sending early! It was originally shown on 6 December – after next Wednesday’s episodes. Some of you may have already seen this episode when Julia linked to it. Here is the youtube link again: or to make avoiding spoilers a little easier you can view it via my dropbox link: I think they left the best episode till last – this one even features (brief) clips from the 1970s!
This is an ideal time to remind people of the various Emmerdale DVD’s that are available to buy. I’ve added a new one to the last time I listed them (October 2012) and added some further info, so if you saw the list last time it’s worth looking at again.
"Emmerdale Specials" was released especially for the Scandanavian market in 2008 (it’s never been officially available in the UK). It is a 6 disc set with around 15 hours of content, and contains the following dramas and documentaries:
· 10th anniversary documentary from 1982 (26 minutes approx)
· 1,000 episodes celebration from 1985 (24 mins approx)
· 25th anniversary documentary from 1997 (celebrating 25 years) (24 mins approx)
· “The Dingles Down Under” – 1997 commercial release telling the story of Zak, Lisa, Marlon, Butch and, Mandy (and also Vic and Terry) going to Australia and meeting their Australian relatives! (73 mins approx)
· “The Revenge” – 1998 commercial release set mostly in London. For the 25th anniversary Linda Fowler had been killed off in car crash, caused by Lord Oakwell. Linda’s brother Roy found out Lord Oakwell was hiding in London and went with Eric to find him. Meanwhile Kathy had won a holiday in London and took Marlon with her. (85 mins approx)
· 2003 documentary saying goodbye to Chris Tate and looking back at his time on the show (47 mins approx)
· A six part documentary series from early 2004. Similar to “Emmerdale at 40” but at 45-47 mins each, covers much more and obviously with most of “Emmerdale at 40” covering post-2004 it is almost entirely different! Some of the programmes look back at Bernice’s storylines including interviews with her. The programmes cover (in original transmission order): Great Exits, Weddings, Families, Double Acts, Disasters and Comedy Moments
· 2005 documentary saying goodbye to Charity Tate and looking back at her first stint on the show (45 mins approx)
· Swedish subtitles throughout!
"Emmerdale 2004" featured 157 minutes of highlights from the New Year storm that killed Tricia up to the wedding of Jack and Diane in September of that year. Also includes 70 minutes of extras - cast interviews with Mark Charnock (Marlon) and newcomers Tom Lister (Carl) and Patsy Kensit (Sadie), as well as a detailed look behind the scenes of the storm, from the storylining stage through to filming. Includes English subtitles.
"The Best of Emmerdale" was a 2007 release featuring 12 complete episodes:
· The plane crash, episodes one and two (1993/4)
· Jack and Sarah marry, and Beckindale is renamed Emmerdale (1994)
· After an armed raid on the Post Office by Viv’s ex-husband, Viv and Shirley (Alan’s wife) are being held hostage at Home Farm (1994)
· Kim Tate leaves for the final time (1999)
· The bus crash (2000)
· Nicola and Carlos’s wedding day where Bernice’s affair is revealed (2001 - the copy on youtube that was mentioned is an edited version)
· Zoe burns down the church (2002)
· Louise kills Ray (Boxing Day 2002)
· The Storm (New Years Day 2004 – double length)
· Zoe Tate leaves (2005 – double length)
· Alice Dingle dies (2006)
They’re a great trip down memory lane, and an interesting insight into the past for newer viewers. Every episode features at least one current cast member – including an earlier role for John Middleton who later became Ashley! No Emmerdale fans’ DVD shelf is complete without a copy!! :D
“Emmerdale Farm: From the beginning”: Across 4 volumes, the first 116 episodes of the series from 1972 – 1973 have been released - a fascinating glimpse at the early days of life with the Sugden’s, the Wilks’, Amos and more! It’s a lot slower-paced than modern Emmerdale, but it’s not without drama (particularly from volume 2), and is very good, if I may say so!
"The Dingles: For Richer, For Poorer" was released for christmas 2010; an 88-minute story imagining what it would be like if the Dingles won the lottery, or in an alternative timeline, if they forgot to buy their ticket!! It was written by Paul Roundell, who penned the live episode, and stars Zak, Lisa, Sam and Belle, with several other characters making guest appearances! Includes 16 minutes of extras. Contains English subtitles.
“Paddy and Marlon’s Big Night In” was the most recent specially written episode, also by Paul Roundell for Christmas 2011. The friends are left in charge of Leo for the night. Can the big boys behave themselves, or will they wake in the morning completely drunk and trying to remember what on earth they got up to the night before?! If you enjoy their friendship this should be a lot of fun and a great laugh! Also features guest appearances from a few other cast members. It runs at 92 minutes with 22 minutes of extras. Includes English subtitles.
Particularly with regards to “The Best of Emmerdale” and the Emmerdale Farm volumes, the more sales, the higher the chance of more episodes being released in the future – so don’t delay, buy today! :-)
There were a couple of things I was going to mention about the anniversary celebrations that for one reason and another I never got round to. I’ve mentioned that viewers were aware there was going to be a mystery death. While many people failed to predict Carl would be the victim, one of the reasons that some people DID predict it would be Carl that died was because it emerged that Tom Lister was to appear in pantomime that Christmas (pantomime is a British tradition that doesn’t seem to have travelled to other parts of the world. Indeed I was most surprised to find that the only wiki’s (besides the English wiki of course) to even explain what a pantomime is are the Turkish one and the Swedish one!). Some people also found out Thomas and Anya were returning – indeed there was even a picture (I think it came from twitter) of Tom posing with the two new actors! Perhaps the picture was intended to take us off the scent. It had also been reported in March 2012 that Tom had signed a new 12 month contract. I’m not sure whether Tom and the producers agreed to renegotiate the contract, or whether that was an early lie to help try and cover it all up. Mind you, it had also been reported that Dominic Power (Cameron) was leaving. Whether he will be departing from your screens soon or not, I couldn’t possibly comment, but his contract clearly wasn’t ending as early as some people had been led to believe! Some people even placed bets on which character was going to die in the episode. One popular bookmaker (betting shop) revealed their odds on who would die on October 4th (13 days before the big day). The odds included Alan at 3/1, Carl at 4/1, Betty and Cameron at 5/1, Sarah at 6/1, and Paddy and Ashley at 8/1.
Which brings me on to the sad subject of Alan, and Richard Thorp’s death. There were some recent comments on the blog speculating on whether you are nearing the end of his episodes. Alan is still to appear in another 10 episodes between now and June 2013. Of course Alan now has a new landlady in Victoria. They only appear on screen together twice more (Christmas Day and his final ever scene) but I’m now so glad they gave the characters a chance to become close off-screen. Victoria has now become one of the most popular characters with viewers, and if Jack Sugden Sr could look down on his daughter and see how she turned out, especially these past six months, he would be SO proud of her. The end of an era may be approaching, but Victoria is definitely one to keep an eye on in the future! :)
Lastly, one slight correction to a comment from last Monday. I mentioned 1988 as being the last year Emmerdale took a Christmas break. What I meant to say was that it was the first year Emmerdale DIDN’T take a christmas break! In fact, following that last break a year earlier, January 1988 marked an important milestone. It was the first time that Emmerdale had been scheduled across the whole of the UK at 7pm. Until then some regions (such as London and Scotland) were still scheduling Emmerdale at the less important time of around 5:15pm, and on different days of the week!
Oh and speaking of Christmas, if anyone is wondering when that will be, it’ll be in the week after Easter.
All the videos I have linked to will remain in my dropbox account until Easter. Here are the links to the folders they are contained in. Pre-live: Post-live: Emmerdale at 40: .