Uppehåll idag (= inget regn ;) )
Inget HTG idag p.g.a. ishockey-VM
Inget HTG på torsdag p.g.a. helg
Vi ses på onsdag och fredag, hav tålamod!
(Det ska bli kul hur detta översätts för Colin)
Eftersom det inte blir nån htg idag så passar jag på att inflika angående ESC att en av de mest kända låtar som inte vann måste ju vara "Nei blu, dipinto de blu" även känd som Volare. Öven "djingiz khan" blev väl en hit?
Min personliga favorit är "Gente di mare" med Umberto Tozzi och Raf.
(Hoppas ingen blir sur när vi inte diskuterar HTG här nu ;))
Marie: Haha, "hav tålamod" became "ocean patience"! Does this mean you should go for a swim while you wait for the next HTG? :D Although, I don't suppose the Swedish swim in the ocean very much? It must be too cold!
Apart from the UK entries I don't actually remember many ESC songs from recent years (probably because I haven't watched it properly for years!). I remember "Fly on the Wings of Love", but even then only for a later cover version. Apparently though it led the votes from start to finish - the first time since Waterloo!
Actually, I do remember Hard Rock Hallelujah, but I think that was because it was so awful! The UK agreed with me and didn't give them a single point, though evidently it was popular in Sweden and you gave it 12. I still say it was awful!!
Beyond that I'd have to say the last winner I remember by name was Dana International's "Diva". I don't know if I'd remember it if we weren't that years hosts, though! Maybe I'd recognise some others if I heard them? Going further back it seems I only remember the UK and Irish winners - although the name Waterloo seems to 'ring a bell' too! :p
As well as Eurovision, we could also discuss the events of the weekend of the 14th and 15th of August 2010 today! This afternoon (well it still is here for another 45 minutes!), I am pretending I am turning 30 again! :D Thirty years earlier "The Winner Takes it All" was the UK number one - one of my favourite songs from my favourite group and the ESC's biggest success story!
A lot of people (at least here in the UK) mock Eurovision these days, but it's given the world a great legacy - with the global success of not just ABBA, but interval act Riverdance, too! I thank Eurovision for the music haha! :D
Hmmm, "This afternoon (well it still is here for another 45 minutes)" is a bit confusing! I started by saying "This morning I'm pretending to still be 29", but decided to change it! Sorry for any confusion! :o
Colin: Guiness BHS is published 1977, so it must be the first edition. I also have "The book of golden discs" from 1974. I worked in i bookshop at that time, so I bought many books cheaper then. I don't know if there are similar books published in Sweden. I don't know if there existed any official record charts in any newspapers. On the radio, we had Kvällstoppen, which I think contained the best selling records in Sweden. In the sixties you could find charts in papers sold or found in record shops, but I am no expert.
Colin: you can say "ha tålamod" också, or "be patient". If you were 29, when "Winner takes it all" was nr 1 in Britain, you must be born in 1951. Am I right?
I've obviously confused you! I was 29 when Hazel arrived in Emmerdale, but 30 when you watched tomorrows epiodes. I was born when Winner Takes it All was UK number 1!
Happy (second) 30th birthday to me! :D
I've just replied to your previous post on the other blog enty.
By the way, if you had been guessing when my parents were born, you'd have been "spot on"!
Colin: so you are 32 now. I was born in 1945. I checked up Pauline Quirke on Imdb. She has often been a policewoman, in "The Bill" for instance. I have seen her somewhere. I don't think that "Missing" has been seen in Swedish TV. She seems to be a very experienced actress.
Why can't I type "episodes" properly! :o
If you hadn't been so close in HTG-terms to when I had my 'big 3-0' when you were wondering my age, I probably would have kept things simple and said "I'm 31". But as you were still in the first half of August 2020, I liked the idea of imagining I was back in my twenties for a little bit longer! I'm sorry for causing confusion.
And don't you ever suggest I'm in my 60s again!! :p
You're ageing me again!! :p
If I'm pretending I'm 30 again because you're in August 2010, how can I be 32 in May 2012?
Pauline Quirke has played a few detectives, but not in The Bill. She has been in The Bill, but not as a member of the police. Although her IMDb listing for The Bill is a bit confusing - according to them, she played two different characters in less than three weeks!
She IS a very experienced actress. One thing that was definitely shown in Sweden was "The Sculptress" (I gave the Swedish title yesterday), which is one of her best regarded performances.
Marie: I think I forgot to read the title of this blog page earlier (you often think of really good titles , by the way :) ). Now I realise THAT was the bit you were wondering how it would be translated! I saw it as "The residence today (= no rain ;))"
Jag undrar vem några av ansiktena på headern är. Hon till höger om Val. Hon till vänster om Matthew King.Och han till höger om Zak. Kul om någon visste, har följt serien sen 90-talet men hade uppehåll i 3 år så missade lite där. För övrigt, det är för jävligt att tv4 spärrar folk i andra land ute från tv4 premium. Om man betalar. När det hette play var det inga problem. Men när det blev premium hade dom det plötsligt "inte rättigheter" från engelska bolaget att visa det för folk i andra länder. Tror inte engelska bolaget bryr sig om att tv4 döper om sig och det gick ju innan. Alla borde kunna se det. Så jag sa upp tv4 play och betalade för att få kanalen via kabelnätet i Norge. Kostar en del men det är det värt. Har ca 6 gånger skickat mail till tv4 och frågat vad som hände, varför rättigheterna försvann efter att de ändrade namn och tog mer betalt. Men fick aldrig svar. Innan när jag skickat mail fick man svar på en dag. Trist
Var tog min kommentar vägen? Tog du bort den?
Sorry. Min pc som e konstig :)
Susie: Vänster om Matthew sitter Kim Tate, höger om Zak finns Biff Fowler och höger om Val finns Louise Appelton.
Susie, jag minns att tidigare i nåt skede (strax efter att blogginnehavaren ändrade bilderna) skrev nån en utförlig kommentar där han/hon berättade om dehär nuvarande personerna. Säkert minns nån när det var och kan berätta så kan du lätt leta fram kommentaren.
Susie: Det var Colin som berättade om alla som inte är med längre under en rubrik som heter Omröstning och ny header eller nåt åt det hållet. (Tittade på den nyss men har redan glömt...)
Det inlägget borde ligga nånstans där man hittar det lite lättare!
You'll find it on 19th April.
I notice I typed "2020" yesterday! :o I promise you that all dates mentioned about the people in the header are accurate!