En dam blir en fru....eller inte...
På jobbet får Laurel ett samtal men kan inte svara på arbetstid. Då säger Priya att de kan ta tidig lunch för hon har frågat Nikhil om det går bra. I själva verket hade Nikhil sagt nej till det.
Laurel blir lite orolig när de går från fabriken men Priya säger att Nikhil säkert har kvinnobesök så det är ingen idé att störa honom nu.
Sally står utanför och har blommor till Laurel. Hon vill be om ursäkt och tacka för att de stått ut med henne. Laurel frågar om hon vill följa med på en drink på puben och hon tackar ja. Där visar Sally upp sitt glada humör och hon erkänner glatt att hon är svag för präster.
Leyla pratar med Gennie om skorna som betytt så mycket och hon får förslaget om att prova återköp. Hon åker in till stan men expediten går inte med på att Leyla byter skorna eftersom hon tror att de är förstörda med flit.
Andy frågar John om de har någon pressening för husvagnen läcker in. Dessutom behöver de en ny kamrem till fyrhjulingen. Adam och Holly erbjuder sig att kolla på verkstan.
Där frågar de först Aaron som säger åt dem att de lagar inte traktorer där och sedan kallar han Adam för bonnpojke. Ryan lovar att hjälpa dem fast det tar någon vecka innan de får delarna. Adam är inte alls glad över Aarons pik men John säger åt honom att låta det vara.
Debbie har svårt att koncentrea sig under dagen. Hon ringer Michael men han svarar inte. Tillslut får hon nog så hon tar taxin och ska åka iväg. Hon blir stoppad av Cain som kommer men han inser att hon måste åka till bröllopet så han följer med. De hinner fram precis i tid, bruden med följe står på kyrkbacken.
Debbie tvekar länge och väl om hon ska gå dit. Hon kommer in i kyrkan och man ser bruden bakifrån. (Jag trodde då att det var Vals dotter Sharon) Michael vänder sig precis om och ser Debbie och Cain. Prästen ber dem att sätta sig så de kan börja och då vänder sig bruden om. Det visar sig vara Charity som ska gifta sig och hon går fram till Debbie och Cain och undrar hur de fått veta detta.
Michael kommer efter och blir förvånad när han inser att hans blivande fru känner de som kommit. Han kan bara inte förstå hur de känner varann. De går in i annat rum för att inte störa gästerna. Cain försöker förklara men Charity tror att han bara säger saker för att förstöra för henne. Charity blir chockad när hon får höra att Mike, som hon kallar Michael, varit otrogen och hon vill prata i enrum med Debbie. Hon kallar sin dotter för slyna som varit ihop med en upptagen man men Debbie säger att hon inte visste det i början.
Debbie anklagar sin mamma för att inte bry sig om sin dotter eftersom hon inget sagt om att hon skulle gifta sig och att hon inte ens visste om att hon blivit mormor då Sarah föddes för fyra år sedan. Charity är helt säker på att hon SKA gifta sig nu oavsett vad som hänt. Debbie lyckas få reda på att Charity inte är gravid men Charity är precis på väg ut ur rummet och Debbie ropar "Mamma!" precis när dörren öppnas.
Michael inser nu hur det ligger till med släktskapet men Charity lyckas övertala honom till att gifta sig med henne ändå.
Debbie står en bit ifrån och pratar med Cain. Hon säger att Charity har förstört hennes liv och Cains men nu får det vara nog. Hon går fram till Michael och han säger att det blir ett bröllop trots allt. Då kommer det fram att Charitys tidigare män varit rika och dött i förtid och sen kommer det även fram att hon inte alls är gravid och att hon varit prostituerad. När han inser att allt varit en lögn från hennes sida bryter han bröllopet. Charity blir förtvivlad. Michael kramar om Noah och säger att han älskar honom sedan går han därifrån.
När alla gäster lämnar kyrkan så går även Debbie och Cain. Debbie går fram till Michael och ber om ursäkt för att hon förstört hans dag. Han pussar henne adjö sedan går han iväg och lämnar Debbie som inte kan hålla tårarna borta.
Cain går fram till Charity och pratar med henne. Hon tror att han är arg för att hon lämnat honom en gång, inte för att hon inte bryr sig om Debbie som han säger. Han säger bara att vissa får vad de förtjänar...
Charity blir sittandes utanför kyrkan med Noah i sin famn...
Är Charity tillbaka nu eller var det bara tillfälligt månntro...
Well Marie, I won't tell you if she's still in the show right now, but she did sign up for a six month contract initially...
As has been noted in the previous blog entry, todays episodes were shown in the UK on 1st October 2009. It was announced that Charity was returning was back on March 18th!! By August 24th we knew she'd return as a bride. Two weeks before her return, on September 17th, ITV started running on-screen trailers - so that surprise element that you saw was completely ruined for us, which was a real shame I think.
Here is a digitalspy interview with Emma Atkins from September 22nd 2009
How did the return come about?
"It's great to be back and I'm honoured to be continuing Charity's journey. The return couldn't have been better timing really. I'd been asked by each producer over the past few years whether I'd be interested in coming back, but it seemed too soon. With work commitments too, the timing wasn't right. But at the beginning of this year, I got a phone call from my agent saying that Emmerdale had been on the phone asking if I'd be interested in making a return and whether I'd agree to meet Gavin [Blyth] for lunch to talk about the possibility.
"I went to meet Gavin up in Leeds and it was fantastic. He gave me this incredible story outline and I sat there thinking, 'I'd be a bit stupid to say no really!' Six months work for any actress is a wonderful opportunity and it'd have been daft to turn it down."
*You're back for six months, then?*
"Yeah, six months initially and then who knows?!"
*Did it take much persuading on Gavin's part?*
"No, not really. Gavin and I had a real heart-to-heart and he's very approachable. I've been a jobbing actress for five years and I've really enjoyed the freedom of going and playing other roles. He was really understanding of that. Obviously he wants me to stick around and it seems that might be the way it will go, but until six months is up, I don't think anyone knows."
*What's it been like being back on set with Jeff and Charley again?*
"Oh, it's brilliant. There's no other words to describe it. They're amazing to work with, wonderful actors and brilliant people. They're so funny, so we have a laugh on set. We never take ourselves too seriously, but when it comes to work, we're completely dedicated.
"The other night, Charley and I had loads of lines to learn - it was actually the night before my first day back in the studio - and I text her asking if she had Skype. She text straight back saying she does and she Skyped me and we sat there for three hours doing our lines! It was absolutely brilliant. I went on set the next morning feeling really confident!"
*You return is like the official 'relaunch', as it were, of the show - do you feel any pressure?*
"No because I'm a light-hearted sort of girl and the moment you start taking yourself too seriously, you start losing the essence of what my character's about. I play Charity in such a way, but as Emma, I'm quite light-hearted and that helps me get through. I so suffer from nerves and that will never change. There are days when I don't feel light-hearted in the slightest, but then there's a nice counter-balance which helps when someone mentions the ratings - at that point, I just switch off! I just treat it as any other job, like any other acting role, and do it to the best of my ability. I have fun with it, put 110% in and I hope that the outcome is what viewers are expecting."
*How easy has it been to 'find' Charity again?*
"I was daunted at thinking that I might make a pig's ear of it by not being able to 'find' the character again, but I was worrying unnecessarily. As soon as I got the first brilliant script, I knew I could do it. Again, rather than adding unnecessary pressure to an already pressurised work schedule, there's no point. I want to enjoy every second I'm here and embrace the character completely again. From that train of thought and mindset, it came instinctively."
How do we first see Charity?
"It's a huge reveal moment, where Debbie and Cain decide to storm the wedding because Debbie can't bear Michael going through with the wedding. They literally run into the church and the vicar's telling them to take a seat to join the congregation. Charity then turns around to see what the fuss is all about and that's the huge reveal of who the blushing bride is!"
*What's your first expression?*
"I don't actually know! They filmed a couple of takes and thinking about it, it's probably over the top! I remember thinking, 'How am I going to react here?' because there's so much going on and so many different expressions I could have chosen. I probably pulled the worst one ever! We'll see, I'm sure it'll be fine! The reveals continue to happen throughout the episodes, though. It's non-stop revelation."
How does she end up back in the village?
"Well, she's dragged back really. Whatever happens with the wedding means that she's left distraught, having had Debbie and Cain destroy things. Charity turns up and confronts them. She drives back into the village like a maniac in search of some answers. My second episode's just brilliant."
*What are everyone's faces like?*
"They're hilarious. Betty's jaw just drops in typical Betty-style. The Dingles are all apprehensive, if not a little horrified, as they're concerned about whose life she's back to wreck now. Jimmy's hilarious, too. Nick [Miles] and I shot a hilarious scene a few days ago. Jimmy thinks he can still threaten Charity, but he's not got a leg to stand on - she's not remotely frightened. Jimmy and Nicola are fantastic, so she has a bone to pick with Charity because of all the money she stole off the Kings. The unfinished business with the Kings is to be continued…"
Has the show changed much since you were there last?
"The show has changed, but shows like Emmerdale will always change. Scripts are always changing, storylines are always moving on and the producership changes, too. Emmerdale's always been good, but certainly now with Gavin on board it's going from strength to strength. To be part of it during this time is really exciting for the programme and myself. It was perfect timing for me.
"There are new people here too, so I'm working with new actors and actresses, which is brilliant. As well, obviously I'm working with the same people here who I absolutely adore. They're all so talented and it's such a luxury to be working alongside them again."
What have you been doing in the meantime?
"Loads of different things. I've done radio plays for Radio 4 - which I love - lots of lovely voiceovers to keep the wolf from the door. I did some lovely theatre - I did a war play down in Salisbury… When you're doing theatre, everyone knows that it's incredible to be able to stretch one's self with acting but financially, we all know it's not fantastic. So I was very lucky to have a support system of a great voiceover agent, which allowed me not to worry as much as I would have done otherwise. In the times when it was difficult, I just had to cut my cloth accordingly and I've always been quite good at that."
Are the writers still effectively writing for Charity?
"Oh yes! As soon as I picked up the scripts, I knew they'd not forgotten her at all. The same biting wit! She's not a softie and they've not turned her into something she isn't, either. She's who she always was. She starts off the same, but the audience will be pleasantly be surprised by the journey Charity goes on. She starts questioning what she wants in her life and whether money really makes her happy. Charity has responsibilities now and she has to face up to them. The events of her first few episodes are a rude awakening."
*Apparently she's pregnant?*
"Or is she?! It's certainly mentioned that she's pregnant, but whether or not she has it or loses it… It's all up in the air."
*Where's Charity been all this time?*
"Oh, where hasn't she been?! Do you know what? I don't actually know! The scripts are now starting to reveal where she's actually been, so I'm learning, too. I would say that she's been with Michael for the past two or three years, more or less realising that she has a great thing in Michael. He's young, has a lot going for him and has a lot of money. He could provide for her and Noah. Charity knows she has a fantastic setup with Michael and she's been working her way up to the wedding. Before Michael, in pretend soap history, I would imagine she's been trying to set herself up with anyone she thinks is right for her! Maybe she's had her sights on Michael for some time?"
*It's quite surprising that Noah's still with her, isn't it?*
"Yeah, she didn't dump him. He's one thing she didn't desert in her life. It's nice because there's a great relationship forming between mother and son. Working with little Jack [Downham] is brilliant. He's funny, he listens, he's cute, naughty and intelligent. Charity and Noah are like partners in crime, which obviously causes a lot of jealousy for Debbie because she never had that connection with her mum."
*Does Charity know that she's a grandma?*
"No, not at all! She can't believe it. It's mid-argument she finds out, so she hasn't even got time to react. Beyond the vestry, there are 40 people waiting to see Michael and Charity get married, so she's really not that interested in being a granny! She wants to get back into the swing of the wedding."
In my first post, "It was announced that Charity was returning was back on March 18th!!" should have said "way back". Sorry about that!
Det var oväntat. Jag visste visserligen att Charity skulle komma tillbaka, men inte på vilket sätt :-)
Jag listade ut det för ett tag sen när de drog ut på den här Debbie-Michael-historien. Och allt va så superhemligt med hans fästmö. Då förstod jag att det måste va Charity eftersom jag visste att hon skulle komma tillbaka.
Vem kunde väl tacka nej till en sådan vältajmad återkomst? Inte Emma Atkins. Scenen när hon vänder sig om i kyrkan var välregisserad - vilken chock, oavsett om man visste om det eller inte. Och scenen när Debbie ropar "Mamma!" och allt uppdagas även för Michael var också perfekt. Han försvinner väl för gott nu. Men vart ska Charity ta vägen? Roligt att hon är tillbaka, hon är en färgstark person som många har längtat efter och kan nog röra om lite här och där om hon återvänder till byn.
Var är Bob och Brenda egentligen, Viv måste ju slita för två - eller tre.
Det är hennes återkomst jag sett fram emot. Antar att med både Char och Chas i serien så blir det inte tråkigt i alla fall. Men Laurel försvinner väl ett tag nu för idag dolde de ju inte direkt att hon var gravid.
Så nu hoppas jag inte Ashley hittar på något så jag blir tvungen att sluta se på HTG, vilket jag sa att jag skulle göra ifall han var otrogen mot Laurel:-)
I missed out the introduction to the interview and in so doing missed out that Emma Atkins was 34 and that she had been gone 4 years. Although 4 and a half years is more accurate, as her last appearance had been 1st March 2005.
For the record, when I put up the Lee Salisbury interview, the main censored bit read as follows: "I'm doing the build up to Charity's return… I don't know much about her return other than how we first see her, which is absolutely amazing. It'd ruin it if we gave too much away!" Ironically, with the picture of Charity in a wedding dress being published 13 days later, too much WAS given away!
The other bit I censored read "There are so many great new characters or characters returning that we're getting to a good place." I also talked about Lee Salisbury's next block being a big event. Since you've noticed that Charlotte Bellamy was pregnant, I will just tease that this will be connected with Laurel's departure...
För en gångs skulle gjorde Cain en bra sak och visade sin dotter vad skåpet skall stå. Han borde ju veta för han är ju en opålitlig man själv med damerna så han känner igen en "kollega". Men den där
"Mike" var ju inte mycket till karl måste jag säga.
Det är mer stake i Paddy! Att nu Charity är tillbaka på nåt sätt gör att man kan se fram emot mer traditionellt HTG. Bort med dom där fabriksbröderna istället. Det får inte vara för många att hålla reda på.
The thing about the factory is its a fairly long-running tradition to have one now - with most of them having been owned by Eric! He's now been freed up to co-run the B&B, which has allowed Chris Chittel (who recently celebrated 25 years in the show) to have different kinds of storylines. I think it's given Eric "a new lease of life", as we say. Yet they still need a workplace for characters to interact in, so in came the new factory! You'll get used to the Sharma brothers in time, I'm sure.
The reason there are so many characters of course is because the show is on six times a week in the UK. They need lots of characters to fill stories and give actors some time off! Be assured though that Charity and Noah were the last family unit to be introduced until the following August.
Charity sätter nog fart på en rätt trist tillställning,som HTG har varit ett bra tag tycker jag. Men råmesen Michael slipper vi väl? han var väl bara Charity´s bananskal-