
Dagens inlägg kommer i morgon för allt jag skrev tidigare har försvunnit så jag får återkomma då.
Det har varit problem med blogg.se hela dagen idag...

Ni får diskutera dagens händelser här om ni vill...

Postat av: Colin

I'll be first today instead!! :D

Yes, I saw you had problems - first I had a "Timeout Gateway" and then it told me the blog had moved somehwhere else!!

Sorry to hear you lost what you wrote. I hate it when that happens!

2011-03-02 @ 18:48:40
Postat av: Colin

Funnily enough it happened to me a few minutes ago when I was trying to write to Lena! I had to shut down all my Windows! :( Stupid computers!!

2011-03-02 @ 19:26:02
Postat av: Colin

By the way Marie, have you ever considered converting to a forum? Someone was telling me in an e-mail just the other day that they're a bit behind at the moment and there's no point commenting because no one is likely to see it, and I've had similar thoughts myself. I find myself trying to memorise how many comments each entry has had so I know if anyone has added anything but obviously you can only practically check for so long! A forum would work exactly the same as it does now but with the added advantage that the most recently commented on episode will be at the top.

Also as there is quite a community of regulars here now, it would give people the chance to talk more easily about other things such as sport or other TV shows or perhaps even "the best and worst of HTG 2008".

What does anyone else think?

There are companies that host forums for free. If you need help I can point you in the right direction. :)

2011-03-02 @ 20:29:16
Postat av: Mariann

Jag kan se fördelen med ett forum eftersom det är lite svårt att hålla koll på gamla kommentarer och om man plötsligt får svar där, eller om det kommer in nåt nytt.

Men å andra sidan gör det väl inget om man kommenterar äldre avsnitt i den aktuella sidan? :)

2011-03-02 @ 21:07:20
Postat av: Carina

Jag är så otroligt tacksam att det överhuvud taget finns en sån här fantastisk blogg där man kan pratat med likasinnade HTG-tokar och att dessutom få så bra resume, att jag anpassar mig till vad som är enklast/smidigast för vår bloggskribent. Men visst hade det varit bra med nåt smidigt sätt att se när det kommit "ny kommentar"...

2011-03-02 @ 22:23:28
Postat av: coach outlet

Thank you for sharing your stuff on blog. It is doubtless that we have similar interests. Something are very helpful to me.

2011-03-23 @ 08:33:28
URL: http://www.coach7store.com/blog/

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