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22 January 5513
Part 1
Ashley has been to see Diane at the Woolpack. Diane hopes his stern words to Sally have done the trick. “Even if it hasn’t, there’s not much more Sally can do to me – she’s tried to break up my marriage, take my job, what’s left? Apart from succeeding in both, obviously.” Diane warns him that when people here what has happened they will start talking – big time. “Surely a man’s innocent until proven otherwise?” “Round here?”
As the Dingle van pulls up Sam goes to chat to Olena at the B&B. Zak tells him to leave it till later, but he takes no notice. Olena tells Sam what a nice time she had last night, as she complains about the cold weather. Sam asks if she has any gloves. She thinks she must have left them somewhere so Sam lends her his pair, saying he can manage without as he’s worked in much colder weather without any. “Your too kind to me, you know that?” “No I’m not.” “Yes you are.” “No I’m not.” “Yes you are.” Zak comes out of the shop and witnesses this jovial banter and is concerned for Sam.
Inside the shop, Viv tells him he is lucky not to be on the front of the paper. “There’s always tomorrow”, he replies gloomily. Nicola comes in the shop. Ashley tells her he wanted to come and see her to apologize for last night. He’s tried phoning Laurel but hasn’t been able to speak to her yet. Nicola tells him that if he doesn’t speak to her she will. Viv and Brenda have been trying to listen but Ashley won’t tell them what it was about.
Pearl and Betty have visited the Wyldes’ store, and are discussing Ashley as they leave. Pearl thinks he was suspended because of something to do with the accident. They spot Edna leaving Woodbine, and invite her for a cup of tea and a bun. She says no thank you to both, and a third time when Betty says they haven’t had a proper chat for ages.
At The Mill, Chas isn’t feeling very well. Nicola tells Carl she expects him to be there for Angelica as she grows up – she won’t have him treat her like he does his own kids. When Jimmy suggests they watch some of the christening video, the thought alone is too much for Chas and Carl.
At the B&B, Eric counts the takings from last night. David arrives just in time to witness the final total. All three are very impressed.
At Mulberry Ashley is filling Rodney in on what happened with Sally. Rodney can’t believe the bishop believes Sally, and wants to know where it goes from here. “That remains to be seen. I suppose at least things can’t get any worse.”
Outside, David and John Barton look on as a car pulls up. The Bishop gets out of the passenger seat while an unknown man gets out of the drivers’ side. They are both dressed very smart and wearing trilby hats. John asks David if he has seen The Great Escape. “I reckon the Gestapo’s just arrived.” As they step inside Mulberry, Ashley explains to Rodney that the man is Alexander Deeley, the diocesan registrar. “And, that means?” “That I’ve been granted the gift of irony – things just got worse.” Rodney tries telling the visitors that it is all nonsense, but takes the hint from Ashley that it is best that he leaves them to it. George warns Ashley that Sally called him yesterday evening and they’ve been to see her.
Chas and Charity are in the Woolpack discussing Charity’s job situation. When she says about lacking qualifications, Chas questions if she still has her HGV licence, and suggests she could try getting a job with Carl. Charity laughs at the idea. “In about two decades, maybe.” Chas thinks it’s worth a try but Charity says she’ll find her own job. When they hear of Ashley’s visitors, Pearl wonders to Betty if he’ll get the sack, saying If he’s done what they think he’s done it’s shameful. Marlon has heard them. “Yeah, cos you’re such a paragon of virtue, aren’t you?” Diane reminds him she doesn’t pay him to insult the customers. John tells Pearl it’s only hearsay and shouldn’t be listened to.
Nikhil thanks Debbie for sorting out the car. She says it’s all part of the service and it’s already been sold on so he will soon have some money back. He offers to buy her a drink but she says there’s no need. He watches her go and smiles.
At Pear Tree, Carl is on the phone to a client who wants the date of their delivery changed. Carl tells them there are no drivers available on Thursday. Chas has come in and overhears. Chas persuades him they should go to the movies tonight and tells him she might be able to get him another driver, before leaving him to it. As Edna gets ready to go and visit Sally, Anya charges through the door calling “Dad”. He picks her up, then Colleen comes in with Thomas, and he wonders what is going on.
Part 2
Alexander Deeley is going over Ashley’s history with Sally, telling him it is best if he gives his own account. He acknowledges it was obviously a mistake to visit Sally but doesn’t see the need to rake over ancient history. Alexander tells him that it is all relevant, because Sally had told them that when Ashley visited her yesterday they had talked about how they both always knew the affair would happen even after so much time apart. “Her words”, Ashley explains. Alexander questions if he’d said about bring honest with everyone about it and not wanting to sneak around. He admits he said those things but they need to understand the context. “Fine. Why don’t you enlighten me?”
Colleen wants Carl to look after the children. She tells him she wouldn’t ask if she wasn’t desperate, and that he’s had as much warning as she has. “It’s one of those situations. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.” She says it’s big of him to help out, and he tells her to call him when she knows what’s happening. As he watches her drive off Chas comes along with Charity. Chas says she has a proposal for him but Charity tells her to forget it. “You need a driver. Ta dah! What do you think?” She tells him to think about it. “OK, I’ve thought about it. No!” Charity says he is a very good driver “I’m not even discussing it. Today of all days. No, no way”
Edna tells Sally she doesn’t think they should be discussing Ashley as it puts her in an awkward position. “Because I must be lying?” “I honestly don’t know what to think.” Sally tells her it wasn’t all one sided. Ashley must have been unhappy and these things happen. “But what you’re telling me, is the vicar is an out-and-out liar. I’ve known him for years. You must realize how hard it is for me to accept that.” Sally asks “Why would I lie to you” and says she thinks they know each other.
Jimmy pops home to see Nicola, who tells him she thinks she’s been a bit hard on Carl. She should show a bit of gratitude sometimes as this is his house. “I’m very glad to hear you say that.” He says that’s why he came round, to ‘prepare the ground’. Then he decides to go and put the kettle on.
Zak has met Eli outside Sharma & Sharma and has asked him to be his eyes and ears with Sam. Eli thinks he’s worrying over nothing as it’s just a crush – not his first and not his last. Zak reminds him that he took it really hard when Alice passed away, and he doesn’t want his heart getting broken again. Eli doesn’t think it’s as serious as that with Olena, but Zak isn’t sure what goes on inside Sam’s head sometimes. Eli changes the subject when he sees Sam coming. He’s been to Hotten Market and bought Olena some gloves. He heads straight back off to find her, and Eli agrees to keep an eye on him.
Back at Mulberry the questioning continues, with Alexander asking if Ashley is certain nothing inappropriate was ever said. “Just last night or ever?” “Both would be nice, if it’s not too much trouble.” Ashley begins losing his temper. “As far as I’m aware, I never had what might be termed an inappropriate conversation with Sally Spode.” George tries to get him to calm down. “Ashley!” “I did not encourage her. I have never been ‘waiting for it to happen’, as she puts it.” “So, last night?”, asks Alexander. Ashley explains again “The only reason I went to see Sally was because she needed to know it was over, finished with, that I never wanted anything more to do with her.” “Yes, so you say.” “So I say? But what the hell does that mean?!” “Ashley!”, George calls again. Alexander explains that it strikes him that there is an implication. Ashley looks confused. “You said that you went to tell her it was over, ‘finished with’ were your exact words.” “So?” “So it rather indicates something had…started in the first place, do you see?” Flustered, Ashley tries to explain that he didn’t mean anything like that. Alexander unconvincingly replies “I’m sure… I think that’ll do for the time being.” He tells Ashley he needs to speak to one or two other people and then will submit his report. George tells Ashley he is inclined to believe him, but Ashley is more worried about his job. Alexander tells him “the outcome, will be what’s best for all concerned.”
Edna comes in the Woolpack and asks Diane if she can have a word in private. She tells her she finds it hard to believe someone with such a strong faith as Ashley’s would lie so blatantly. “Diane, it’s tearing me apart!” Diane tells her she’s never been one for believing in things you can’t see or hear. The fact Ashley is in this mess shows he isn’t perfect, but he’s not a bad, malicious man. “And he’s not mad either. I don’t know about you, but I reckon you’d have to be one or the other, or both, to do what he’s been accused of.”
At the Mill, Chas arrives home to find Jimmy proudly showing the christening video to Carls’ children. She is angry that Colleen just dumped the children on them when they already have a house full, and thinks he shouldn’t have agreed to it. “Well she’d tried everyone else. She’d been to her mum’s, and her sisters and what does it say about me that I’m the last resort, their own father?” “Well it’s a fine time for you to start being bothered about that.” “Yeah, well I am. So get used to it. They’re my kids and they’re staying.” He then goes to watch as Jimmy does he’s best to stop the kids turning the video off!
25 January 5514
Part 1
Anya is ill and Carl has been trying to contact Colleen. He tells Jimmy he is going to have to take time off work to look after both of them. Nicola is going clothes shopping ready for going back to work tomorrow.
10:00 am. At the Woolpack, before opening, Moira is telling Diane she is worried about Hannah’s attitude – she used to tell her everything but doesn’t anymore. Diane tells her Victoria was the same – and still is! However when Sandy and Ashley come knocking she is grateful all she has to worry about is teenage angst.
Charity goes to visit a recruitment agency. Cain says she won’t get a job but Debbie bets a tenner she will.
In the Woolpack back room, Diane tells Ashley – who earlier had an altercation with Viv at the café – that he should co-operate with the registrar. He questions how he could have been so stupid, admitting Laurel was right all along. “I’ve walked straight into a trap.” He tells Diane Laurel is “understandably furious – who can blame her?” Sandy assures him that she will come round in the end – “truth will out”. “After the way the registrar looked at me, I wish I could share your confidence.”
Carl has popped round to Pear Tree before taking the children to the café and then the park. Nikhil comes in and gives them a box of toffees to sample. He then announces that his biggest client who were being delivered to tomorrow have now asked for it today. Carl tells him it isn’t a problem, but he has to contact the agency.
At Home Farm, Maisie can’t accept that Mark would walk out on them without a word, but Nathan says he doesn’t care about them. Natasha says Mark wouldn’t want them fighting like this. Maisie says if they are sure he isn’t coming back they should tell Will the truth.
At the café, Anya has her appetite back and Andy is surprised to discover Carl has kids. He tells him giving them back is the hardest part.
Charity comes and complains that she didn’t even get past reception – “because they’re not interested in experience, all they want is flaming…certificates.” Debbie lets slip they had another bet on her. Cain explains “I couldn’t resist a dead cert. You’re not exactly one of life’s grafters, are you?” She says she’s through with job hunting and storms off to the pub.
Chas finds Carl and the kids in the café. Thomas moans that they are going to the park. Carl tells them “Well it’s either there or the graveyard! Kids paradise round here!” He tells Chas he already feels knackered, then Scarlett comes in and tells him the agency have double booked and can’t do the job, so he’ll have to. She offers to look after the children but with Anya again complaining she doesn’t feel very well, Carl says he isn’t going anywhere. Chas suggests he could ask Charity.
Part 2
At Home Farm, Natasha is concerned that Maisie doesn’t seem to eating. Maise tells her she believes she is glad he is gone and out of her life. Natasha says it is not true and that if she could change things, she would.
At the Woolpack, Diane wonders whether the church really believe Sally over Ashley. Sandy tells her it’s politics. “They have to be seen to be doing the right thing… Unfortunately that leaves poor Ashley out on a limb.” Carl comes in and offers Charity a one-off delivery from the factory to Darlington. He admits he’s desperate and reluctantly agrees to pay time-and-a-half.
Edna comes to the church to arrange the flowers and is surprised to see Ashley there. “I’ve been suspended Edna. It doesn’t mean I can’t spend some time here with my thoughts.” “Maybe if you’d done that earlier” “I wouldn’t be in this mess?... No one knows that better than me.”
Nikhil is not happy to see Charity turn up to collect the order. When Chas thanks her for doing it she says seeing Carl squirm made it more than worth it. Nikhil isn’t sure whether he can trust her to deliver the order but he realizes he doesn’t have much choice.
At the church, Ashley tells Edna the more he thinks about it the worse it gets. “Hardly surprising.” “I know it sounds crazy but…Sally really did step in front of the car.” “That’s not the way she explains it.” He asks what she’s been saying but she says she can’t betray a confidence. “Her twisted games have my whole life on hold.” Ashley thought Edna of all people would believe he is telling the truth. She tells him “These last few days have…tested the boundaries of my faith.” “Well what do you suppose they’ve done to me?” He says he was blind to take Sally’s side over his own wife. “Blind, or proud?” “I know I brought this on myself. I admit there was a part of me, wanted to prove Laurel wrong.” When Edna asks if he had any idea about the feelings Sally was nurturing he breaks down. “They were never requited. I could never betray Laurel. Or the children. Please Edna, if you lose faith in me, where will I be?” “She comes and sits next to him. “That’s good enough for me.” Sandy comes in and, witnessing her hugging him, smiles and leaves them to it.
At the Woolpack, when Moira says she can’t take Hannah home because she’s doing a few extra hours, Diane suggests she do her homework there with Victoria. Sandy comes in and asks Diane to guess who he’s just seen. “Mark Wylde”, offers Diane. Sandy reckons Edna must finally be coming round to their way of thinking.
Carl has bought the children a trampoline and they are playing on it before he has even finished putting it together! In quick succession Jimmy, then Nicola arrive home, followed by Charity in the Haulage van. Carl tells them she hasn’t stolen it but has done a job for them. Debbie is also surprised. Charity tells her to make sure she collects her winnings, and says if he doesn’t like how she earned it, it’s tough. Jimmy thinks they should check with the customer that the delivery arrived before they pay her anything. “Fine by me”, she says with a scowl.
Night. Victoria is on her facescene page and tells Hannah she’ll put in a good word for her for Stacey’s house party next week. Andy comes in but thinking they are doing homework leaves them to it.
Cain returns to Tug Ghyll having already heard about Charity’s job from Carl. Cain says Carl was lucky his kids were there. She says it was just a job and reminds him to pay his bet. She says she enjoyed it and would do it again. “Beats sitting round here bored out me tree!” “And that’s it is it, end of conversation?” “Looks like it yeah. Unless you wanna go and beat your chest some more!”
Scarlett is playing on the trampoline with the children, which Carl bought hoping to tire them out! Carl tells Chas the job was a one-off, although the look on Cain’s face was almost worth it. Nicola spent ‘under £200’ on one outfit for her ‘core wardrobe’. Jimmy tells her he is cutting up the card. When Carl announces it is the kids favourite, sausage egg and chips for tea, Nicola says they’ll go out for tea as they eat healthy. Carl thinks he is out of his depth with the children but Chas tells him she’ll back him up all the way with the children.
At the garage Charity has come for a chat to save having an atmosphere in front of the children. She explains she couldn’t resist making Carl grovel. “You mean you wanted to get one over on me more like.” “Oh yeah cos this is all about you!” “I HATE them!” “So? All the more reason to take their money! And you said yourself I need to start pulling my weight.” “You’re not working for that lot!” “You make it sound like I needed your permission. This is my life and I will do as I flaming well please.” “Yeah well you always were a selfish cow.” “Yeah, well I haven’t changed, and if you don’t like it, you know what you can do.”
I loved that line by Ashley "I’ve been granted the gift of irony – things just got worse!”
Haha, kul med Charity som chaufför. Den där biskopen och registratorn verkar väldigt snabba att döma utan "bevis". Får verkligen hoppas att det inte går till så på riktigt.
Idag verkade ju Hannah riktigt glad och verkade riktigt bra kompis med Victoria. Har visst vänt där...
Är det fler än jag som tycker Nikhil verkar intresserad av Debbie? Tycker han hade en öm blick när han tittade på henne...
That's still the say woman playing Colleen - she last appeared in 2005.
Interesting fact: The producer at this time, Gavin Blyth (until his death in November 2010), had previously worked on the show as Script Editor, and it is after his two eldest children that Thomas and Anya were named.
Den här registratorn är ju ännu dummare än biskopen! Tur att Edna börjar tro på Ashley i alla fall. Det var riktigt rörande när de båda satt så tätt intill varandra i kyrkan. Äntligen kanske det blir slut på Ashleys lidande, så att vi slipper Sally mer. Men hon ger sig förstås inte utan strid, om jag känner henne rätt.
Och så alla dessa nyfikna skvallerkäringar. Diane är den enda förnuftiga i byn, känns det som, i varje fall i den här sally/ashley-historien.
..och historien Ashley/Sally kommer ju inte att få sin upplösning imorgon. Phu så det blir till att vänta....
Ja, Nikhil verkar mycket intresserad av Debbie, men är det nu så att skådespelerskan som spelar Debbie är gravid skall hon väl skrivas ut ur serien och det blir inget av denna romans. Synd - jag hade gärna velat se en mänskligare sida hos Nikhil. Han är oftast mest - arg.
Eric can write English poetry!
"Men hon ger sig förstås inte utan strid, om jag känner henne rätt."
"But she gives is of course not without a fight, if I know her right."
I can do that, too!
"Rula Lenska isn't Swedish". :p
You've probably never heard of her but it was the best thing I could think of!
Ooh I'm sorry for the Eric with a 'c' :o I can't even blame Google Translate, it always keeps the 'k' in your name intact. Sorry!
Colin: I didn't know I was rhyming - but I was, in English.
I know you didn't know. I just found it a little amusing to read your rhyme and thought I'd share it with you so you could read it as I did :)
Here's another Swedish rhyme from me!
"My name isn't Jack.
Please remember that. Thank you." :D
Amazing - can Google Translate do this or do you really know enough Swedish to rhyme like this?
Well let's put it this way, if I hadn't double checked I'd have been saying Rula Lenska is not from Sweden. I've yet to memorise which way round Sverige and svenska go!
I've though of one that rhymes with Sverige now!
Former EastEnders producer Louise Berridge
Is not from Sweden
I've also learnt Monday to Thursday, but couldn't find a date of birth for former Emmerdale producer Morag Bain (91-93) so I'll leave that for now!
My Swedish is extremely limited - but this time last year it was virtually non existant!
Är Debbi gravid?
Tack att några skriver på svenska, har lite svårt att fatta engelskan
Hon som spelar Debbie är gravid på riktigt, inte i serien.
"debbie" är ihop med "david" "på riktigt", det är de som ska få barn, det blev en pojke, heter Buster, om jag minns rätt.
Det var det det
då får jag bara önska alla här
en God Jul och ett Gott Nytt År
Jag hoppas att Charity får fortsätta som chaufför, tycker det passar henne utmärkt!Hon kan prata både med kontorsfolket o slänga käft med lagerarbetare o andra chaffisar-