Champagne, massörare och en välgörare utan baktanke
Andy vill inte ha hjälp av någon men tillslut går han med på att Mick hjälper honom. Mick har givetvis mycket att anmärka på eftersom gården har fått förfalla. Andy verkar inte allt för angelägen om att ordna upp saker och ting.
Mark kommer dit för att se hur ägorna ser ut och för att kräva Andy på hyran. Han är inte så imponerad över skicket på gården.
Diane kommer dit med Sarah men Andy kan inte leka med henne hemma eftersom det är så stökigt. Hon får följa med Diane hem så kommer Andy dit när han städat upp lite.
När han väl kommer till Diane har han bestämt sig för att ge upp gården och söka sig ett arbete istället.
Mick får höra det och börjar smida planer på att själv ta över gården. Lee tycker inte det är en bra idé.
Brenda saknar Terry så hon funderar på att maila honom. Hon visar brevet för Bob som avråder henne att skicka det hon skrivit annars kommer Terry tro att hon gör slut. Hon säger att hon känner sig som en öppnad champagne men kolsyran har gått ur...
Gennie och Leyla funderar på hur de ska göra Brenda glad igen och de kommer på att hon ska få lite massage. Leyla erbjuder sig att utföra den och hon får även Gennie som kund. Leyla samlar ihop saker till sin "nya karriär" hemma hos Pearl. Hon råkar få med sig Pearls pälsmatta, en ny flaska olivolja och en burk kräm från badrumsskåpet.
Brenda blir lite förvånad över massagen men Gennie övertygar henne om att det är vad hon behöver, Leyla är ju utbildad "massörare". När massagen är över så får Brenda en ansiktsmask. Efter ett litet tag så börjar det svida och bränna i ansiktet. De får uppsöka läkare och då kommer det fram att Leyla använt en liktornssalva som ansiktsmask. Brenda kommer hem med svåra brännsår i ansiktet.
Natasha besöker Debbie i fängelset. Hon vill hjälpa henne så hon erbjuder sig att betala skulden och ett halvårs hyra i förväg. Allt endast för att hon tycker att Debbie påminner om henne själv när hon var ung. Sagt och gjort, Natasha söker upp Carl och betalar det hon lovat Debbie. Undrar varför, hon säger sig inte ha någon baktanke med det hela men stämmer det månntro?
Lexi hånglar med Carl i köket när Jimmy och Scarlett kommer hem. Carl berättar den goda nyheten och nu är det officiellt. Lexi vill fira förlovningen så hon handlar champagne i butiken. Hon ser Chas på cafét och då kan hon givetvis inte låta bli att tala om förlovningen. Chas blir givetvis ledsen men visar inte det utan lyckönskar dem båda.
Lexi ordnar ett litet kalas hemma och de ska fira. Jimmy vill givetvis hålla ett litet tal och han lyckönskar dem och säger att om inte Lexi funnits kanske Carl gift sig med en Dingle. Då passar Lexi på att hälsa från Chas.
Jimmy påpekar att Carls känslor för Chas aldrig var allvarliga och han får Carl att hålla med om det men man ser på Carls blick att han är inte riktigt sanningsenlig.
Paddy vill ha en filmkväll med Marlon för att muntra upp honom. Han tycker att Marlon borde tänka lite på andra tjejer och kanske till och med "kliva upp i sadeln igen"... då erkänner Marlon att han redan haft " ena foten i stigbygeln". Paddy undrar givetvis med vem och Marlon kan inget annat än säga att det var Chas.
Paddy blir givetvis chockad och Marlon försöker att släta ut det med att hon tänkte på någon annan...
Paddy är inte direkt sugen på att se film med Marlon längre, han är inte intresserad av att se "Kocken och receptionisten - en snuskig historia om liderlighet, undertitel: att pissa ner sin bästa vän"
Aaron snokar rätt på gammal medicin på praktiken och gör upp med någon vän om att sälja det till honom.
Paddy dyker upp precis när affären ska avslutas och han avslöjar Aarons skumraskaffärer.
Aaron sticker därifrån precis som alltid.
Chas möter Paddy och får höra om vad Aaron gjort. Hon blir förbannad och letar rätt på sonen som gömmer sig i en gammal lada. Hon är väldigt besviken på honom och han provocerar henne hela tiden med att säga att nu kommer hon att ge upp som vanligt. Han är väldigt kaxig och kallar henne fnask. De börjar slåss men precis då kommer Zak förbi och särar på dem.
Zak pratar allvar med Aaron medan Chas får hämta deras saker hos Paddy. När hon är där så passar Paddy på att fråga henne om Marlon... därefter så talar han om att han har känslor för henne, att det inte bara är en flirt som vanligt. Det blir lite för mycket för Chas så hon bara går därifrån...
Zak lär Aaron om Dingles regler, att aldrig slå en kvinna, inte råna eller mobba pensionärer osv...
Han låter dem flytta tillbaka till huset. Lisa protesterar och menar att hon har tillräckligt med jobb ändå men Zak står på sig, Chas och Aaron stannar.
Aaron spelar sin roll bra.
Andy kan dom skriva ur serien.
Kommer bonde-farfar bli ihop med Diane?
Min mamma säger att Aron skulle kunna bli en psykopat :P
Aaron är ingen psykopat, han tror att ingen älskar honom, han är bara ett barn som spelar tuff.
Och han gör ett ganska bra jobb tycker jag!
Det är mer ett "utryck"
Det går utför med Sugdens. Synd om Paddy när han äntligen förklarat Chas sin kärlek. Och vad har Natasha för baktankar med Debbie? Några måste hon väl i alla fall ha - frågan är bara vilka?
Åh, ÄNTLIGEN är jag ikapp med det inspelade och kan vara med och kommentera!!! Jag gillar verkligen det nya paret och särskilt Natasha. Håller med nån som skrivit innan att hon påminner om en mix av Perdy och en ungversion av RoseMary, fast en trevlig sådan då verkar hon vara. Så himla bra att Debbie får nån på sin sida nu och det är ju ingen dålig uppbackning hon fått! TRor inte N. har några baktankar utan det verkar ju från vad man hört innan som att de brukar ta sig an lite "ömmande" fall, och att DEbbie påminde om henne själv. Kanske som när Rosemary hjälpte Belle. Skönt att Aaron blir tagen i örat nu, tror det här är vändpunkten för honom.
If you don’t watch “Sunhillspolisstation” you can ignore the rest of this and the next comment…
Those of you watch “The Bill” will have noticed a new look today. I thought people might be interested to hear the background to this new look. I have talked before on this blogg about the changes made to ITV’s schedule in July 2009. It was at this time that Emmerdale changed from having a 1 hour slot on Tuesdays to having two seperately broadcast episodes on Thursdays at 7pm and 8pm. It was also at this time that Coronation Street lost its Wednesday 7:30 pm slot after 48 years! It moved to Thursdays at 8:30 pm. This all happened on July 23rd – the same day the new look “The Bill” was launched – at 9pm. Prior to this it had been shown twice a week at 8pm. This change in timeslot was significant as 9pm marks the “watershed” – the time when more adult-themed material can be shown.
What follows is a Digital Spy interview with Series Producer Tim Key. The end of the interview has been left off to remove spoilers.
"It came about partly because of the way the industry is at the moment. Everywhere is having to look at its schedule and budget so much more tightly.
"I think there's no secret that the financial world is very different now and therefore [all productions] were looking at their budgets and ITV's drama budget in particular was under a lot of review, so it was about getting the maximum impact for the available money. The fact that the channel felt confident that we had a show that was working so well at eight that they could see it working well at nine was very heartening for us and very exciting. So that was the initial thinking behind it, but then there was a creative aspect which enabled us to push further and tell more stories of the kind that were working best at eight o'clock."
"We've had to do a lot of things and some of the things have been exciting and positive and some of the things have been rather sad and less positive. Halving the output of the show from 96 episodes a year to 52 has meant saying goodbye to some people who we had enormous respect for. Likewise [we've had to say goodbye] to some cast, crew and personnel at our base in Merton, so that side of it has been very difficult.
"Then we've had to go on a creative journey to learn exactly what nine o'clock drama means and how the Bill needs to change to sit comfortably at that time. We've had to embrace a load of technical changes - we've gone to HD and we realised quite early in the process there isn't a single nine o'clock drama that doesn't have music. So we made the decision very early on that we were going to score the show.
"The biggest change really is to know how to respect the heritage of the show but also how to approach it as if it was a brand new show. The question we've always been asking is: 'If this was brand new and starting now in 2009, would we watch this show?' We can't rely on the fact that it's been around forever and people will watch it - that actually works against us as much as it works for us, so we respect our history and we respect the fans who have always watched the show. We're confident that there will be enough in the new show - we haven't changed what the show is about - it's still about the police, it's still about putting on a uniform and being a hero and an everyday person taking on those challenges - but at the same time, it will feel very different and hopefully our loyal fans will be excited by those changes and come with us on that journey. At the same time, we'll appeal to people who have either never watched the show or who used to watch it and have stopped watching it."
"It's a composer called Samuel Sim who our company had worked with a few times before. He's a very young but very experienced composer. We needed to find somebody with a very modern sensibility but could respect the heritage of the show. Someone who understood nine o'clock drama but could also work to the deadlines we have. There's no other show doing what we're doing. There's nothing else on all year round, so he has to be able to turn stuff round very quickly. He was recommended to me and I met with him and knew immediately that I would get on well with him.
"Then the first time the music arrived - the first episode - I held back from listening to it until we'd got it cut to the pictures and we sat down and watched it in the dub suite and went 'this guy's amazing, this is going to be fine!' It's strange because when you hear that they're putting music on The Bill, you can't help but go 'I'm worried about that!' But I really believe that it doesn't seem at all out of place and it's a compliment to his music that you almost don't notice it - it almost seems completely normal and correct that it should be there."
"This is part of the process of working out what makes a nine o'clock drama. The answer in a lot of things is to go back to the core of what the show is about and the show is about police - normal people doing an extraordinary job. We don't believe that our show is about sensationalism, we don't believe it is about scandal - although there will be elements of our stories that might look at areas where the police cross a line. We decided very early on that the show at nine o'clock is about character, it's about intensity of emotion and it's about going on a journey with the police, exploring the reasons why crimes happen. We're not saying it's a completely new show - a lot of it is what The Bill did all along - we're just re-focusing on what it was.
"When you say nine o'clock, does that mean swearing? Violence? Sex? We're not going to do all of that. We're still a show that the family can watch. We may be able to go a little darker at times, we might be able to push the boundaries a little more but we would always do that when we felt it was justified. So we're not going to be swearing [all of the time] - there's not going to be a sudden change. The idea that we're sexing it up and doing all these things is not the case - it's about integrity and that's what we're really concentrating on."
"There's a tiny little bit - somebody says someone's "pissed". But then that comes down to a definition of what you believe - at what point is it swearing?"
"The guy's very drunk and we felt like in that instance we've earned the right to do it. It feels real that a drunk angry man would swear a little bit but in that case, with that story, we earned it and it's explored again in the next episode - there's no swearing in that episode at all.
"There were certain words that we were allowed to say at eight o'clock but chose never to use. I think that by five to ten at night, people will accept swearing a little bit more but there's no plan to push the swearing side of it at all. I think that's more of a debate about what is bad language in society - is saying "he's pissed" more acceptable than saying "f**k off"? I think those are two very different things."
"It's a huge thing but we have to make the statement very clearly that it's a new show... For us, to tune into a new show and then just be given the old theme tune doesn't tell you things have changed. We felt that the theme tune has been iconic for a very long time and has been through every possible incarnation and remix that it was time to do something new.
"But what I liked - I've got a bit of a musical background so I've worked very hard on this - the classic theme tune is hinted at in the new one. There are two little motifs from the theme tune that some people will pick up on, but a lot of people won't. It's a new piece of music, but if you know The Bill theme tune - especially in the end credits - you will hear a bit of the old Bill theme in there. It's very subtle and it's us saying we respect [where we've come from].
"Likewise with the walking feet credits, they were iconic titles and summed up what the show was about - it was about the police walking the streets of London. We live in a slightly different age now so what the credits have been designed to do is take the police on a journey through London. Instead of the walking feet you've got a lone police car driving through the streets of London. We hired a helicopter and we went out and shot footage with our police car. There's a beautiful shot at the end that just pulls back from the roof of our police car and slowly reveals London before you. By the time you get to the end of the end credits you've got this shot of what the show's all about which is our police patrolling London.
"It had to be something new and something different. The eight o'clock title sequence is very pacey and a bit urgent and we want to be a little more thought-provoking so there's a slightly mellower and intriguing feel to the new ones. "
"We're not setting out to shock people, we're exploring topics that the show has always explored but we're just able to look at them in a slightly more detailed way. The first two episodes look at issues to do with race and knife crime. We want to explore those things that people can relate to - that people see in their real lives. So a discussion of race and the way that the police perceive race is interesting. We've got stories about child abuse which are fairly harrowing but there's a real integrity to them. Again not at all shocking and very tastefully done, but the show has always done those things."
"That's a journey we've been going backwards and forwards with at eight and we're looking at again at nine. The truth is that it's down to the way that people watch TV. For us, it's a really hard balance to get right between giving people an hour of drama that they can watch and not have to have seen the one before. We're not The Wire because if you miss episodes one to three of The Wire and tune in to episode four, you're not going to know what's going on. We're The Bill and therefore we want to make sure that if people didn't see the last week's episode, they can still come and watch it.
"We don't want to take it down a soapy route where it becomes more about people's private lives then it does about their work. At the same time, though, we do have serial stories in the mix. We have state of play stories, we have relationship stories - although they're more to do with friendships and work relationships than romantic ones. There's a little hint of that as well at one stage, though. There's still a serial element to what we do, but it's very hard to get that balance right."
"The thing about saying goodbye to people is one - it's horrible and is taken very seriously - and two - in most cases, we looked at people's contracts that were up for renewal and saying, 'Do we renew these contracts or not?' It's not a case of axing people at all. The fact is, you simply cannot move forward to a one-a-week show with a cast the size we had. You have to choose your focus of the show and then what characters you need within that mix. At the moment, there are no plans to lose anyone else, other than the fact we have to continually look at the size of our cast. We made some decisions that have been fairly well publicised - and I think Digital Spy published one of them before anyone else! – and there's bound to be a reaction to some of them.
"You have to hold your nerve and make the decisions for the right reasons. We can't tell stories with everyone, so we need to make sure the cast is the right size to give the audience a strong group of characters every episode and to be able to play stories with those who are there. We will continue to look at it and we listen to what the audience has to say, but we also have to go with our belief about the direction that the show's moving in."
(Interview by Kris Green, Digital Spy’s former Soaps Editor)
It has to be said that the new look wasn’t popular at first. It’s thought part of the reason is that the producers weren’t given enough notice of the schedule changes and so episodes that had been designed for 8pm had to be reworked for the new look.
Sadly, you may have heard that The Bill is no longer running. The decision to axe the show was announced on March 26th last year, and the 52nd and final episode of the new look aired on 31st August. The axing was not necessarily any fault of The Bill’s - ITV decided to reduce the number of long-running shows and focus on new commissions, and had already axed Heartbeat and its spin-off The Royal. Meanwhile, two days before the final episode, the worlds’ longest running sitcom, the BBC’s Last of the Summer Wine, ended after 37 years. The Bill had an advantage over those three shows though (all of which were filmed in Yorkshire like Emmerdale!) – they had all been axed in between recording seasons, while The Bill was able to create a fitting finale – and it did! They decided not to blow the station up yet again or anything else sensational like that, and the ending is all the better for it.
Even before the show reached its conclusion people were commenting on how the show was improving so even if you aren’t keen on the new look at first, I’d say again to try and stick with it, as it does improve once it settles into the new format.
For spoiler fans this is the final scene – a super one-take effort featuring all 17 members of the shows final cast.
A quick note about Holby City
While I'm talking about other shows, I thought I'd explain something about Holby City too. In the UK it started in January 1999 with a run of 9 episodes. It returned in November 1999 for a further 16 episodes, and for a third series in October 2000 for 30 episodes. That took you up to the episode shown last Friday. From the start of series 4 on 9th October 2001, it has, with very few exceptions, been shown every single week of the year
Aha! I thought so! Thanks to the interview I reproduced I've solved the mystery of how to do bold - put a * either side of the words you want to be shown in bold. Hey Presto!
I bet there's a way of getting ~italics~ as well!
#Third time lucky?#
tänk så känslorna för Zak kan svänga- ;-) Hos mig . Igår var jag döless o idag är det tummen upp!
Jag är fortfarande less på Zak. Att säga att det är ok att sno från dem som är rikare det är INTE OK.
Jag tycker att det mesta Zak sa till Aaron var bedrövligt. Visst är Arron hemsk men det kan väl knappast hjälpa honom att komma tillrätta med sig själv att så mentalt totalt sparkas ner. Vad ont det gjorde i mig:-(
Nog kunde han sagt det på ett annat sätt,det är ju ändå ett barn-ungdom det är frågan om som det gått snett för, ni som sett honom tidigare kanske vet mer om varför.
Sen tycker jag nog att det egentligen var Paddy (som tyvärr har blivit en totalmes)som skulle haft pengarna till att ersätta det Aaron stulit. För visst kom killen iväg med pillren, eller?
Förstår inte varför Paddy´s rollkaraktär ska vara så mesig. För Aaron, om nu Paddy var som en "normal" veterinär, hade ett rejält jobb med stigande ansvar och med en fast hand som styrt honom på rätt spår, att komma tillbaka till dinglefarmen tror inte jag får honom på rätt spår.
...och nu är Jack officiellt död i handlingen också :(.